{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators         #-}

   Static sites are the opposite of headless applications, they are disembodied.
   Shpadoinkle Disembodied is a static site generator for Shpadoinkle applications.

module Shpadoinkle.Disembodied (
  -- * Site Reification
  -- * Class
  , Disembodied(..)
  -- * Write Files
  , writeSite
  , writeSiteMap
  ) where

import           Control.Monad              (join, void)
import           Data.Kind                  (Type)
import           Data.Proxy                 (Proxy (..))
import           Data.Text.Lazy             (isSuffixOf, pack, unpack, fromStrict)
import           Data.Text.Lazy.IO          as LT (writeFile)
import           Servant.API
import           System.Directory           (createDirectoryIfMissing)
import           System.FilePath            ((<.>), (</>))
import           UnliftIO.Async             (concurrently, forConcurrently_)

import           GHC.TypeLits               (KnownSymbol, symbolVal)
import           Shpadoinkle                (Html)
import           Shpadoinkle.Backend.Static (renderStatic)
import           Shpadoinkle.Router         (HTML, View)

-- | The reification of a static site based on Servant routes.
-- Site takes a context `ctx` which is universal for the static site.
-- This is useful for storing commonly used valus like the site name,
-- site url, copyright date, ect.
data Site where

  -- | A path segment in the URI
    :: String
    -- ^ The current URI path segment
    -> Site
    -- ^ The site to be rendered at the path
    -> Site

  -- | Html to be rendered as @index.html@
    :: forall m a
     . Html m a
     -- ^ Given a context, how can we render a page?
     -> Site

  -- | Capture is the one Servant combinator that can be meaningful in static
  -- site generation, and only if we can generate all possible instances.
    :: (FromHttpApiData x, ToHttpApiData x, Bounded x, Enum x)
    => (x -> Site)
    -- ^ Given a context, provide the remaining site to be generated
    -> Site

  -- | Branch the site at a given point in generation.
  SChoice :: Site -> Site -> Site

-- | Type class induction for building the site out of a specification
class Disembodied a where
  -- | A type family to represent the relationship between a Servant API
  -- and the 'Html' views to render.
  -- @
  -- type SPA m = "about" :> Html m ()
  --         :\<|\> Html m ()
  -- site :: SiteSpec () (SPA m)
  -- site = const (h1_ [ text "about" ])
  --   :\<|\> const (h1_ [ text "home" ])
  -- @
  type SiteSpec a :: Type

  -- | Construct the site structure out of the associated API
  buildSite :: SiteSpec a -> Site

instance (Disembodied x, Disembodied y)
  => Disembodied (x :<|> y) where

  type SiteSpec (x :<|> y) = SiteSpec x :<|> SiteSpec y

  buildSite :: SiteSpec x :<|> SiteSpec y -> Site
  buildSite (x :<|> y) = SChoice (buildSite @x x) (buildSite @y y)
  {-# INLINABLE buildSite #-}

instance (Disembodied sub, KnownSymbol path)
  => Disembodied (path :> sub) where

  type SiteSpec (path :> sub) = SiteSpec sub

  buildSite :: SiteSpec sub -> Site
  buildSite = SPath (symbolVal (Proxy @path)) . buildSite @sub
  {-# INLINABLE buildSite #-}

instance (Disembodied sub, FromHttpApiData x, ToHttpApiData x, Bounded x, Enum x)
  => Disembodied (Capture sym x :> sub) where

  type SiteSpec (Capture sym x :> sub) = x -> SiteSpec sub

  buildSite :: (x -> SiteSpec sub) -> Site
  buildSite = SCapture . (buildSite @sub .)
  {-# INLINABLE buildSite #-}

instance Disembodied sub
  => Disembodied (QueryParam sym x :> sub) where

  type SiteSpec (QueryParam sym x :> sub) = Maybe x -> SiteSpec sub

  buildSite :: (Maybe x -> SiteSpec sub) -> Site
  buildSite f = buildSite @sub $ f Nothing
  {-# INLINABLE buildSite #-}

instance Disembodied sub
  => Disembodied (QueryParam' ms sym x :> sub) where

  type SiteSpec (QueryParam' ms sym x :> sub) = Maybe x -> SiteSpec sub

  buildSite :: (Maybe x -> SiteSpec sub) -> Site
  buildSite f = buildSite @sub $ f Nothing
  {-# INLINABLE buildSite #-}

instance Disembodied sub
  => Disembodied (QueryParams sym x :> sub) where

  type SiteSpec (QueryParams sym x :> sub) = [x] -> SiteSpec sub

  buildSite :: ([x] -> SiteSpec sub) -> Site
  buildSite f = buildSite @sub $ f []
  {-# INLINABLE buildSite #-}

instance Disembodied sub
  => Disembodied (QueryFlag sym :> sub) where

  type SiteSpec (QueryFlag sym :> sub) = Bool -> SiteSpec sub

  buildSite :: (Bool -> SiteSpec sub) -> Site
  buildSite f = buildSite @sub $ f False
  {-# INLINABLE buildSite #-}

instance Disembodied (f '[HTML] (Html m a)) where

  type SiteSpec (f '[HTML] (Html m a)) = Html m a

  buildSite :: Html m a -> Site
  buildSite = SIndex
  {-# INLINABLE buildSite #-}

instance Disembodied (View m a) where

  type SiteSpec (View m a) = Html m a

  buildSite :: Html m a -> Site
  buildSite = SIndex
  {-# INLINABLE buildSite #-}

-- | Generate a sitemap.xml
  :: forall layout. Disembodied layout
  => String
  -- ^ Base url
  -> FilePath
  -- ^ Out path
  -> SiteSpec layout
  -- ^ Specification for the pages of the site relative to a Servant API.
  -> IO ()
writeSiteMap base fs layout
    = LT.writeFile (fs </> "sitemap" <.> "xml")
    . buildSiteMapXML . go mempty $ buildSite @layout layout
  go (x,xs) (SIndex _) = x:xs
  go curr (SChoice x y) = go curr x <> go curr y
  go curr (SCapture f)  = join $ traverse (
    \c -> go curr $ SPath (unpack . fromStrict $ toUrlPiece c) $ f c
                                   ) [ minBound .. maxBound ]
  go (x,xs) (SPath path (SIndex _)) | ".html" `isSuffixOf` pack path =
    (x <> "/" <> path):xs
  go (x,xs) (SPath path site) = go (x <> "/" <> path, xs) site

  buildSiteMapXML xs = pack . unlines $
    [ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
    , "<urlset xmlns=\"http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9\">"
    ] <>
    (xs >>= (\url ->
    [ "   <url>"
    , "      <loc>" <> base <> url <> "</loc>"
    , "   </url>"
    ])) <>
    [ "</urlset>"

-- | Actually write the site to disk. Branches are written in parallel.
  :: forall layout. Disembodied layout
  => FilePath
  -- ^ Out path
  -> SiteSpec layout
  -- ^ Specification for the pages of the site relative to a Servant API.
  -> IO ()
writeSite fs layout = go fs $ buildSite @layout layout where

  go :: FilePath -> Site -> IO ()
  go curr (SIndex page) = LT.writeFile (curr </> "index" <.> "html") $ renderStatic page
  go curr (SChoice x y) = void $ go curr x `concurrently` go curr y
  go curr (SCapture f)  = forConcurrently_ [ minBound .. maxBound ] $
    \c -> go curr $ SPath (unpack . fromStrict $ toUrlPiece c) $ f c
  go curr (SPath path (SIndex page)) | ".html" `isSuffixOf` pack path = do
    createDirectoryIfMissing False curr
    LT.writeFile (curr </> path) $ renderStatic page
  go curr (SPath path site) = do
    createDirectoryIfMissing False (curr </> path)
    go (curr </> path) site