{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Shpadoinkle.Template.TH where
import Control.Monad (unless, when)
import Data.Text (Text, cons, pack, replace, unpack)
import Data.Text.IO
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Prelude hiding (head, null, readFile, tail)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, removeFile)
import System.Exit (ExitCode (..))
import System.Process (proc,
import Text.HTML.Parser (Attr (..), Token (..), parseTokens)
data CleanUp = CleanUp | LeaveFile deriving Eq
embedAsciidoc :: FilePath -> Q Exp
embedAsciidoc = embedAsciidocWithPreprocess (const (pure ()))
embedAsciidocWithPreprocess :: (FilePath -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> Q Exp
embedAsciidocWithPreprocess go asciiPath = do
let htmlPath = unpack $ replace ".adoc" ".html" $ pack asciiPath
out@(exit, _, _) <- runIO $ do
doesAscii <- doesFileExist asciiPath
_ <- unless doesAscii . fail $ "Document not found at " <> asciiPath
doesHtml <- doesFileExist htmlPath
when doesHtml $ removeFile htmlPath
readCreateProcessWithExitCode (proc "asciidoctor" [ "-a", "sectlinks", "-s", asciiPath ]) ""
case exit of
ExitSuccess -> embedHtmlWithPreprocess' go CleanUp htmlPath
ExitFailure _ -> fail $ show out
embedHtml :: FilePath -> Q Exp
embedHtml = embedHtml' LeaveFile
embedHtmlWithPreprocess :: (FilePath -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> Q Exp
embedHtmlWithPreprocess go = embedHtmlWithPreprocess' go LeaveFile
embedHtml' :: CleanUp -> FilePath -> Q Exp
embedHtml' = embedHtmlWithPreprocess' (const (pure ()))
embedHtmlWithPreprocess' :: (FilePath -> IO ()) -> CleanUp -> FilePath -> Q Exp
embedHtmlWithPreprocess' go clean htmlPath = do
ts <- runIO $ do
doesHtml <- doesFileExist htmlPath
_ <- unless doesHtml . fail $ "Html not found at " <> htmlPath
go htmlPath
ts' <- parseTokens <$> readFile htmlPath
when (clean == CleanUp) $ removeFile htmlPath
return ts'
pure . ListE $ tokenToExp ts
breakClosing :: Text -> [Token] -> ([Token],[Token])
breakClosing tn = go (0 :: Int)
sameTag = \case
TagOpen tn' _ | tn' == tn -> True
TagClose tn' | tn' == tn -> True
_ -> False
go depth ts = case break sameTag ts of
(before, t@(TagClose tn':_))
| tn' == tn && depth == 0 -> (before, t)
(before, t@(TagClose tn'):more)
| tn' == tn -> let (before', rest') = go (depth - 1) more
in (before <> [t] <> before', rest')
(before, t@(TagOpen tn' _):children)
| tn == tn' -> let (before', rest') = go (depth + 1) children
in (before <> [t] <> before', rest')
x -> x
tokenToExp :: [Token] -> [Exp]
tokenToExp =
let h = UnboundVarE $ mkName "h"
text = UnboundVarE $ mkName "text" in \case
TagOpen "hr" attrs:ts -> tokenToExp $ TagSelfClose "hr" attrs:ts
TagOpen tn attrs:ts ->
let attrs' = ListE $ attrToExp <$> attrs
name = asText tn
(children, siblings) = breakClosing tn ts
in AppE (AppE (AppE h name) attrs') (ListE $ tokenToExp children) : tokenToExp siblings
TagSelfClose tn attrs:ts ->
let attrs' = ListE $ attrToExp <$> attrs
name = asText tn
in AppE (AppE (AppE h name) attrs') (ListE []) : tokenToExp ts
TagClose _:ts -> tokenToExp ts
ContentText content:ts ->
if content == "\56608"
then tokenToExp ts else let content' = asText content
in AppE text content' : tokenToExp ts
ContentChar char:ts ->
let char' = asText $ cons char mempty
in AppE text char' : tokenToExp ts
Comment _:ts -> tokenToExp ts
Doctype _:ts -> tokenToExp ts
[] -> []
attrToExp :: Attr -> Exp
attrToExp (Attr name value) = TupE [name', AppE textProp value']
textProp = UnboundVarE $ mkName "textProp"
name' = asText $ case name of
"class" -> "className"
_ -> name
value' = asText value
asText :: Text -> Exp
asText = AppE (UnboundVarE $ mkName "pack") . LitE . StringL . unpack